Happy New Year!!!!!
Hey Everyone it is an awesome new year. OKay just go with that thought, I figure if I live in denial that the new year high that I am on will eventually stop that it might actually last longer this year than last year. So normally you all would get a great funny picture (or nice one) here but I can't for New Years this year since I was sick.
Yes, sick, I had food poisoning, it was soo sad and I so wanted to do all of the fun things that everyone had planned. But, I know that God has his ways in all things and to be honest it was kinda fun to have a stress free day of not having to get reaedy to go anywhere (okay so I never changed out of my sweats and t-shirt all day) that was awesome!
This gave me a great oppurtunity to reflect on 2005 and all that the year encompassed, I can only pray that 2006 is not like 2005 that was a very hard year for me both emotionally and spiritually, lots of challenges, obstacles and I swear every time I tried to do anything or wanted anything or thought of any hope in any situation the door was not only closed it was sealed with heavy duty clue, duct tape and everything else that my favorite store; Home Depot; might possibly cary, the hings were taken off and the locks were removed so there was no chance of prying that open. Let's just say that there was alot of frustration in 2005. Isn't it kinda funny that when you yell at God, he still answers you; never with what I want, but He still answers and He usually has a sense of humor in His answer. So after alot of frustration, you wanna know what I learned that was a re-occuring theme for the year, Patience and Trust in Him. OKAY so after bawling for like hours and realizing that it is best to give in to Him and just surrender yourself since you are sooo stinkin broken already that there is no way you can go through the rinse cycle again since you are delicate, you just give in your will and trust that He will give you His will.
So for those of you reading this, I will say that He hasn't hit me over the head yeat , but I had a feeling that was coming and I knew that would hurt. So, here is to 2006, a year of learning, a year of seeking and year of giving in to His will not my will. Let's just say that as the counting crows song colorblind states; " I am ready, I am ready, I am waiting, pull me out from the inside, I am folded and unfolded and unfolding I am."
Soooooo if anyone has great advice of how to be patient let me know since those of you who know me best know that patience is just not a word that I know instead I will find a way to organize it, plan it and set an agenda whatever it is in case it might happen. You know (kristin this one is for you) you can never bring too many clothes to something and of course you have to unpack everyhting in the drawers that they have in a hotel room so you can see everything and you have to have options just in case the occasion comes about. So patience people, patience, this one will be hard.
Yes, sick, I had food poisoning, it was soo sad and I so wanted to do all of the fun things that everyone had planned. But, I know that God has his ways in all things and to be honest it was kinda fun to have a stress free day of not having to get reaedy to go anywhere (okay so I never changed out of my sweats and t-shirt all day) that was awesome!
This gave me a great oppurtunity to reflect on 2005 and all that the year encompassed, I can only pray that 2006 is not like 2005 that was a very hard year for me both emotionally and spiritually, lots of challenges, obstacles and I swear every time I tried to do anything or wanted anything or thought of any hope in any situation the door was not only closed it was sealed with heavy duty clue, duct tape and everything else that my favorite store; Home Depot; might possibly cary, the hings were taken off and the locks were removed so there was no chance of prying that open. Let's just say that there was alot of frustration in 2005. Isn't it kinda funny that when you yell at God, he still answers you; never with what I want, but He still answers and He usually has a sense of humor in His answer. So after alot of frustration, you wanna know what I learned that was a re-occuring theme for the year, Patience and Trust in Him. OKAY so after bawling for like hours and realizing that it is best to give in to Him and just surrender yourself since you are sooo stinkin broken already that there is no way you can go through the rinse cycle again since you are delicate, you just give in your will and trust that He will give you His will.
So for those of you reading this, I will say that He hasn't hit me over the head yeat , but I had a feeling that was coming and I knew that would hurt. So, here is to 2006, a year of learning, a year of seeking and year of giving in to His will not my will. Let's just say that as the counting crows song colorblind states; " I am ready, I am ready, I am waiting, pull me out from the inside, I am folded and unfolded and unfolding I am."
Soooooo if anyone has great advice of how to be patient let me know since those of you who know me best know that patience is just not a word that I know instead I will find a way to organize it, plan it and set an agenda whatever it is in case it might happen. You know (kristin this one is for you) you can never bring too many clothes to something and of course you have to unpack everyhting in the drawers that they have in a hotel room so you can see everything and you have to have options just in case the occasion comes about. So patience people, patience, this one will be hard.
Vicky - your blog entry struck me - it is very open and candid. My advice for you would simply be to "Be still and know that I am God" - Psalms 46:10. God is ALWAYS faithful - always. Even in times of despair, pain, and lonliness, He is faithful. Sometimes God takes us out of our comfort zones in order to stretch us and so we can grow in Him. Seek Him and He will prosper you. Love you!
Kristin, at 9:09 PM
hey vicky. yeah - that's hard stuff. life is hard, huh? it's just not ever going to be the way we want it to because of "the fall." but the good thing is that our suffering takes us to Christ who IS able to meet our needs and give us peace. anyway, about the patience thing - i have been struggling with this too. what i have been doing, and what i think is working - or at least a little:), is to always ask myself, "am i loving this person in the best possible way right now?" and, "am i serving this person in the best possible way right now?" that has helped me to truly want god's will for others and not what i want for them - and for myself as well. it has taught me patience. oh - and you asked for our links in your email. mine is www.amp78.blogspot.com. come visit. btw - i didn't know you were building a house??
Ashley, at 7:41 PM
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