October is almost over......

So.... October is almost done with. So I had another formal event to attend to, thank goodness you can recycle dresses at different events when you don't go to the same event with the same people. For those of you who know me, I've officially taken over my brothers closet with just my formal attire. He doesn't know about this yet, so it will be interesting when he discovers it but my closet doesn't have room for them and two suitcases were not cutting it.
So all is good right now. Halloween madness is almost over. I was dorothy as in the wizard of oz this year for two different costume parties. I'm getting ready to start decorating for Christmas. My poor mom doesn't understand why we are going to have Christmas decorations up for Thanksgiving, but I really love our Christmas decoartions. The whole thing is causing quite a kunundrom but hey you only live once.
So nothing too new, just thought I'd say a HUGE hello to everyone out there.
Love you all
So...how did your costume work out??? I'm anxious to hear! I'm living my Halloween vicariously though you this year!
Kristin, at 9:22 PM
Hello right back to ya!
Ashley, at 9:03 AM
Hiya Vicky! Glad to hear you're keeping busy with all those parties! Who would have known that all those ADX formal dresses would have come in handy so many years later...?? :-)
jerelyn, at 8:22 PM
Kristin you are sooo funny. The costume was soo fun. i'm waiting on pictures to be sent to me. But everyone loved the outfit and thought the red glitter shoes with the chunky heels were just fabulous !
And yes lou, the formals came in handy only thing is I go to so many of them that I've had to invest in alot more. But thank goodness I found a great dress designer in Great Britian who doesn't mind sending overseas.
Victoria, at 9:06 PM
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